
Morning Copy 2024
July 19th - Market Close Edition [5:22pm]
Willz Daily Surf

Stable Diffusion, Warp Fusion, img2img, and ControlNet
via instagram.com

Eliminating matrix multiplication in LLMs
via arstechnica.com

via fairshare.social

How to Talk to Whales
via theatlantic.com

Obelisks in our bodies .. their purpose is a mystery
via vice.com

via instagram.com

The Simulation
via thesimulation.co

via research.google

Aussie mathematician cracks code of ancient "Indiana Jones" tablet
via xinhuanet.com

via glaze.cs.uchicago.edu

AI translates 5,000-year-old cuneiform tablets
via zmescience.com

Observation of the effect of gravity on the motion of antimatter
via nature.com

The Other Ocean Floor
via sciencealert.com

Two Entangled Light Particles in Real-Time
via space.com

Chedder Man's (Great)^300 Grandson
via x.com

Mathematical Rule Behind Distribution of Neurons in Our Brains
via scitechdaily.com

Huygens-Steiner Theorem - A New Take on Light
via iflscience.com

Why humans can't use NLP to speak with the animals
via engadget.com

93% accuracy in detecting keystrokes over Zoom audio
via arstechnica.com

Fourth Dimensional Metamaterial
via scitechdaily.com

Pause Random Superconductor Experiments
via futureofliff.org

Accidental Geoengineering
via x.com

Supercapacitor from Ancient Materials
via mit.edu

[ history ]